DEREVO e-life

Adventures of the Golden Egg. The Film

01. 04. 2009, 00:59 | by DEREVO
DEREVO, to see / видеть

Video professional Andrey Gladkih looked at the cupboard full of video tapes. Then at the second cupboard. He drank some tequila and looked at the third one.

“Something have to be done with it”, he said.

And from millions of pixels and squares and points he chose right those amazing moments where his mouth fell open or laughter came out or his beard had to be scratched (yes the work took some notable time).

You’re now invited to watch the tangram Adventures of the Golden Egg!
Film by Andrey Gladkih. DEREVO is on screen.

Part 1. Provincial Magic / 5th Wheel, St. Petersburg

Part 2. The Empire, Sovana, Italy

Part 3. Midnight Balance, St. Petersburg

Part 4. Crossing (Totentanz), Dresden

Part 5. Wheel of Power, Mannheim

Part 6. Grauzone, Dresden

Part 7. White Garden, Dublin

Part 8. Lighhouses, Vienna / Babushka, St. Petersburg

Part 9. Windrose, Dresden

Part 10. Windrose - continued, Dresden

Part 11. OEROL, Terschelling island, Netherlands

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  1. Olya Petrakova Brown Says:

    Wowieeeeee! This is a gift - thank you so much! Voodushevitel’no! You make me fly! It is amazing how much can be captured by film even though it is a live performance. Hands of lovers were holding those cameras. DEREVO seeps through time, space, fiber optics, wires, and screens… I love you, guys!

  2. Наталья Says:

    Ой, СПАСИБО!!!!!
    Только я мечтала после мастер класса - ну когда же - когда - будет видео?!!!
    И вот -!!!!!
    Дай Бог здоровья Андрею Гладких! Сил и терпения - побольше разобрать!!!!
    Дай Бог здоровья Антону и Всем, чтобы мы птичку могли среди проспекта разглядывать!
    Вернее - чтобы мы могли иметь возможность иметь напоминание о такой возможности!!!!! :)