Open-air-Performance on and at the Water
Zwingerteich, Dresden
9 - 12 June 2011, 22:00
Tickets www.dresdenticket.de/derevo
For the third time DEREVO presents the successful open-air action at Zwingerteich in the historical city centre in Dresden.
A magic flood of pictures, movements, sounds, lights and water – this is a hallmark of the international famous DEREVO. The award-winning group of Russian artists founded 1988 in Leningrad and working in Dresden since 1996, believes in the nether world of purposes, in a realm of the pure ideas which rather may be reachable with the help of some wizardry theatre.
Exclusively for the Zwingerteich area (the pond at the Zwinger Palace) in the centre of Dresden DEREVO together with specially invited dancers, artists and musicians creates a magically moving night world, inspired by history, water and architecture.
Impressions of the WHITE FORTRESS 2010:
See also: