ARCHIVE February 2006

Anna BogodistDear friends and colleagues!

DEREVO wish you a Peaceful, Joyful and Successful New Year!

Thanks a lot for everybody who worked with us during last year, thank you all for the proposals, for the hospitality and cooperation. We hope to keep in touch with you.

2005 was one of the most successful and creative years for DEREVO. We danced our new performance «Ketzal» around the world. Now the legend of Ketzal lives and inspires Pierrot who was executed by DEREVO many years ago. Pierrot has survived. Now he continues making fools of his executioners in a street show «Execution or Posthumous Adventures of Pierrot».

We made our dedication to Butoh dance: we danced with Japanese dancers from Tatsumi Hijikata Memorial Asbestos Studio during the yearly international festival «VERTICAL» (Saint-Petersburg – Dresden), which we organized with International Art-Center «Bereg». There were nine productive and joyful days full of work, dance and inspiration.

DEREVO always travel a lot. Last year was not an exception. We performed in Germany, Russia, Italy, Netherlands, UK, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, France, Taiwan.

The year was finished with the ringing bells of a great Eduard Bersudskiy Kinemat in the Royal Museum of Scotland as part of the Derevo and Sharmanka project «Druids Clock».

A huge part of our work is to perform different actions in unusual spaces: «Second Sun» in Bulthaup Gallery, «Arkan» on the historical square of asphalt in Hellerau, Yellow Disco in Dresden, “Dance for the Stone” in Peter and Paul’s Fortress. Derevo can’t live without such actions.

For 2006 DEREVO is looking forward for many amazing projects. Among our plans:

– To participate in 800 Anniversary of Dresden and in cultural event «Days of Saint-Petersburg» in Dresden…

– To dance under the sky of Terschelling Island and to take a part in the anniversary of its festival too…

– To swim the marathon of Edinburgh Festival Fringe with «Ketzal»

Elena Yarovaya will present her solo work «Krestiki-Noliki» (Noughts and Crosses). And DEREVO will make a premiere!!! - «Wanderer».

DEREVO seriously intend to finish new films – «Diagnosis» (directed by Anton Adasinskiy) and «Tender Night» (directed by Ga). DEREVO plan to release a new CD of Dmitry Tuylpanov – «Gadina».

With any luck, the reconstruction of Mariinsky Theatre won’t prevent the work under the co-production of the theatre and DEREVO, a piece set to the music of Gustav HOLSТ's «Planets».

DEREVO carry on dreaming about projects “TotenTanz” and «Robert`s Dream». This means that they will happen in 2007…

DEREVO asked our Main Director to increase a day till 25 hours... A holiday was fixed for the 2 of September.

We’d like to inform you that after years of managing DEREVO Mr. Chester Mueller (Thank you, Chester!!!) decided to become a freelance arts producer in Dresden. For everybody who wants to get in touch with him, here is his new e-mail address:
Contact person in Dresden Isolde Matkey:

Please, keep an eye on our updates on

All best wishes,

Anna Bogodist

DEREVO manager

+7 812 9718968

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