27 February

The archaeological expedition „DEREVO“ has dug out the following articles at the site in Villa Casara in Greve, Chianti near Liguria:

„Zhukovskijs jug“, a broken off piece of a drum, manufactured at Karl-Marx-Factory and a whistle for 32 Kopekes. End of 20. century.

Nobody has lived in the house since we left. One of our exercises in those years was feeling the inside of a house like a womb. The house carried us for two years. We came to the earth and left. The house never married although it is 700 years old and has had time enough. We washed it’s eyes and colored it’s eyelashes, put new windows in. When we left a shutter was banging open and shut, open and shut. „It is blinking at us“, Tanya said.

One of the DEREVO-students of the „Italian school“, Adriano Milani, is now an actor, director and a joyful person. He founded the wonderful „Jack and Joe“-Theatre in Cerbaia where DEREVO showed the new work „KETZAL“.

Adriano Miliani Fly over... Gala on the Lago Di Garda
KETZAL in Italy Lago di Garda Once upon a time...
RED ZONE Drum Villa Casarsa Sounds good...
10 February

A slattern the winter chases the car.

Good people are alongside of me.

I'll drink some bavarian beer tonight.

Original text: Anton Adasinsky
Images: Elena Yarovaya and/or DEREVO

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