From April, 15 the act "SUICIDE"
will be perform under it's original title - "LA DIVINA COMMEDIA".
We could have done this a long time ago but some signs and passages
were needed...
At dawn, lost on Mexican country-roads on the way to Xochicalco,
our car caught in the beams of it's headlights an abandoned circus
camp. Blind carriages with no wheels stood in a roundeley near the
holey tent... We entered, treading cautiously on damp, swollen posters...
In the 'make-up corner', we've read the words "La Divina"
written in the frame of stolen mirror. The sun rose very quickly
without us noticing. Scraps of tarpaulin on the skeleton of the
tent began clapping in the wind as if greeting actors. Well, we
have returned! Sawdust the floor, comb the horses' manes, puff the
noses and...
Today and every day!!!