There's a coffee shop on Dublin street. Not so far from our residence.
Can't sleep well in Edinburgh; I usually woke up about seven. Shower,
short run
and - to the coffee shop. Some coffee with milk,
marvelous muffin and the owner at the same time picks out newspapers
with articles on "DEREVO" and puts them on my table. He
takes himself coffee too and we read simultaneously. He's never
seen any of "DEREVO" performances due to work/work/work,
but he worries and comments the press passionately. Year 1997 -
"Red Zone". Year 1998 - "Once". Year 2002 -
"La divina commedia". Year 2003 - "Islands in the
stream". Hope that I will meet him again. There is a clock
hanging at the wall, but it shows I don't know what. To know the
time you need to look almost in the owner's face. There's a mirror
above him. The clock reflects in it. That day he was fixing something,
murmuring. I didn't get the language. First time for five years
I asked him where he's from. "Far from here, there used to
be Sumerian Kingdom before