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Original text: Anton Adasinsky and/or DEREVO
Images: Elena Yarovaya and/or DEREVO

28 August

Oleg is licking his wounded fingers in France, searching for excuses to escape the army


Aeroplane Tu-144, our concord, roughly landed in America. Snow Show has been married to handsome Broadway.


Merkushev is sleeping in the sky above Mexico.


Tanyushka, generally known as a very skinny person, is in fatty culturally spread Edinburgh.


the name of “Grisha and Masha” is conferred to the mountain in Greve-in-Chianti.


the prize for best male role has been given to Dima Abramov as organizer of VERTICAL festival.


there is a serious demonstration with police water canons in Dresden. The theme is:”Salmons back to the Elba!!”


Mother autumn slightly skaters her cool skirt, and tipsy- frenzy summer, saying sorry that she?s still hanging around, drinks one for the road and long smoking sessions in the corridor with grandpa, trying not to wake up the kids of the next life.

Oleg Zhukuvsky and  his fingers
Snowshow goes West
Alexey Merkushev flies over Mexico
REFLECTION wins in Edinburgh
Dima Abramov as VERTICAL' boss
Anton and the Birthday of Dresden
One step further... "A boy" "Hands" "Hair" "A Tap" "A ship" "A tank"