NOW - 05.07.2010 - Meissen
06. 07. 2010
We know powerful places by experience.
But this place is powerful to such an extent that one really risks losing his head.
I’ve lost my voice for an hour; in the dressing room (actually a beer cellar) a mirror has broken. Wind has lifted the tent over the mixing console and put it five meters away. Daniel Williams said it was good so, and that the other spot will be better acoustically…
First rehearsal at the Albrechtsburg Castle in Meissen.
The Execution of Harlequin scene.
Tanya plays an executioner and lifts an axe…
Suddenly a horrible scream and two falcons are falling from the sky.
Dodging and moaning.
It’s scary.
All the tourists in the yard just run away.
Steep curve right above the ground and they’re in the sky again…
Singing and crying.
Their nestling has fallen and smashed.
The nest was at the very top of the church.
“Yes, - the castle’s manager said, - at the very top. They could really build the nest much lower.”
Then he said to us, right in the face: “The place plays with you..”
The nestling has been buried then.
We stopped the rehearsal and went to see the Goat, who guards the House of the Lonely Knight.
Text: Anton Adasinsky
English text editor: Daniel Williams
Photo: Lena Dolmatova, Elena Yarovaya
Photo design: Elena Yarovaya
See also the video from the very first rehearsal back in Dresden »
2010-07-13 at 2.14 pm
aloahey…matrosinos i matrosiNASEN :)
weltreisende im Sommerwind mit gespanntem Segel, gekühlt mit traumsommerseifenblasen gefüllt mit Polarluft zerplatzend auf der Haut. Glücklich strahlend im Schatten wiegend, wach lauschend mit Musik in den Beinen sich drehend im Sturm auf der Suche nach der perfekten Welle auf der Odyssee. umarme euch tanzend mit leuchten von innen.
hab euch am sonntag in meissen gesehen und kann euch nur gratulieren. die hände schütteln und auf die schultern klopfen - ihr seid einzigartig wunderbar.
lichtige grussku(e)sse für euch alle.