NOW - 28.08.2012 - Fringe 2012 is over
28. 08. 2012
One more prize for DEREVO – the Broadway Baby’s Bobby „goes to Mephisto Waltz at Assembly Roxy for their high production values and stunning design“.
Thank you to all who contributed to the perfection of the show!
Lena Yarovaya – stage design
Daniel Williams – sound
Igor Fomin – light
Anna Frumson – costumes
Andrey Bobylev – sunflowers
Max Isaev – chalk stripes which turned to footprints leading up to the sky
Dancers on stage: Nastya, Pavel, Makhina, Anna, Anton
And thank you to all who came to see MEPHISTO WALTZ in Edinburgh!
Nach dem Fringe ist vor dem Fringe!
From left to right/top to bottom: Pavel, Makhina, Anna, Nastya, Igor, Daniel, Anna, Anton. Photo Credit: Larry Bartfleet
2012-08-28 at 12.40 pm
Congratulations on the award. Really hope you’ll be performing Mephisto Waltz again, unfortunatley I came to see the show on the 19th August when the fire alarm went off, was so disappointed I thought I was going to cry, was only in Edinburgh for that night.
2012-08-31 at 7.06 am
2012-09-03 at 11.52 am
Anton ist der beste, größte Künstler, den ich kenne.
Er hat den Preis redlich verdient.
Ich hoffe (für ihn) auf weitere Preise.
Ich schreibe leider in Deutsch.
Aber von postmodernen Sprechtheater hat er leider keine Ahnung bzw.
von Sprechtheater überhaupt.
Karl Brunner
2012-09-09 at 8.20 pm
Спасибо за творчество!!! Поздравляю с успехами!!!)))
2012-10-22 at 1.35 pm
Mein Konto funktioniert nicht.
2012-10-31 at 11.44 am
- keiner antwortet.