NOW - 31.12.2013 - Hello, Gods…
31. 12. 2013Hello to you, Gods!
I’m writing with a big “G”, hoping that you’re not snorting offended and that you’ll read it to the end.
Greetings to all of you!
To the sly and bearded, to the bald and invisible, to the painted and gilded, to those of clay or wood, to the unspeakable.
Did I forget someone?
Oh.. there was another one of Sun Ra descendants, born in a joint.
As I can see you’re working hard and diligently.
Wars and more wars, deaths, hunger…
And those are not wars because of princesses or fields or land. Rather because of yourselves, my dears.
But you’ll have no success after all…
You’d better meet somewhere up in your clouds to measure your strengths or the lengths of your tongues..
And we shall keep making people happy. You cannot stop us!
I’ll outlive you!
And don’t you dare to lay the blame for the miseries of humankind on the Devil!
“The devil’s role has been greatly exaggerated”, Alexander Sokurov
I’ll outlive you, you cardboard figures…
Happy New Year, people!
Go on, do your business!
You were born to be happy!
So be happy!
Anton Adasinsky
DEREVO group
post scriptum
I’ve been asked about it many times…
But didn’t want to answer.
Now I’ll say:
While working on the Faust filmset I’ve been through many things.
Every day some “signs”, “encounters”, “visions”…
I thought I couldn’t cope with it.
However, the Old Pulteney and Morton Feldman were of great help.
Some time later the sensations subsided. But mirrors and the sound of the wind still can get on my nerves…
Therefore I’m writing in the first person.
Though in the meantime I’m not quite sure of it.
“ONCE…” final bows have been filmed on 28 Dec. 2013 at the Festspielhaus Hellerau in Dresden
Camera: Makhina Dzhuraeva
On stage: Anton Adasinsky, Elena Yarovaya, Tatyana Khabarova, Oleg Zhukovsky, Pavel Alekhin
Sound: Daniel Williams
Light: Falk Dittrich
Management: Isolde Matkey
Text: Anton Adasinsky
English text editors: Daniel Williams, David Kemp
Video: Makhina Dzhuraeva
2013-12-31 at 4.51 pm
Спаибо, Антон! С наступающим Новым годом!!!
2014-01-01 at 1.24 am
Спасибо, что вы есть:)
Спасибо за то, что дарите вдохновение!
Спасибо! :)
2014-01-01 at 12.58 pm
hallo derevo,
ich fühle mich mit euch im geiste verbunden. danke, dass ihr etwas zeigt und lebt, dass mich berührt im inneren.
ich wollte euch ein wandgemälde von mir zeigen - inspiriert von eurer kunst, eurem schauspiel…
in gedanken umarme ich euch und wünsche von herzen, dass ihr allen schmerz und alle freude der welt fühlen und wecken könnt in eurem spiel und ja - macht weiter die menschen glücklich.
herzglück und lächeln für euch von jeanne
2014-01-02 at 1.19 pm
Спасибо, Антон!
В одном из снов, прошедшего года, мне явился Бог. Он хотел донести до меня важную мысль и наставить на путь. Удивительно, что для того, чтобы достучаться до меня, он выбрал Ваш образ:)
Удивительных открытий, счастливых мгновений и вдохновений!
Дай Бог Вам и другим артистам радости в жизни и творчестве!