Dima Tyulpanov has left this world
08. 02. 2015
Yesterday our friend and partner on the stage, one of DEREVO’s co-founders, left this world - Dmitry Tyulpanov
His heart
A month ago, Andrey Gladkikh and I together began work on the documentary RED ZONE - our very first performance
There will be lots about Dima
The film is not finished yet
And we bow to Idit Herman - his wife who nurtured his talent and his daughter, who accepted and bore his Derevo-like way of life
Lena, Tanya, Anton & Alexey
..and the sky begins right from the ground…
Text: Anton Adasinsky
English text editor: David Kemp
Photo: Dmitry Konradt
Video: Andrey Gladkikh (cut & new sequences)
2015-02-09 at 1.44 pm
Dear Dimska, some things are just unexplainable, I will miss you with my heart, and nurture what you have so generously passed on, in wisdom and love your friend Adamski xxxxxx
2015-02-12 at 12.06 am
Dearest Djimke! With great saddness I read here that you have finished your visit on this planet. Your magical visit will remain in my heart always, and I am sure in the hearts of who have had the privilege to have met you. I will always remember your amazing presence on stage. Although I haven’t seen you for many years, I still remember your kindness, and your happiness of meeting your beautiful Idit!. I will pray that the saddnes in her heart, and your daughter’s, will soften one day. Tanya, Lena, Anton, I will think of you all too. Mnoga Lubloe, Pino
I still have the blue postcard on my wall, with you 4 on it…
2015-02-14 at 5.37 pm
Дима, счастливого пути.
Видео ваши вызывают раздражение. Не передают ничего и даже минус.
Все равно хорошо.
2015-03-13 at 4.47 pm
ДЕРЕВО это вечно-новая форма искусства, которое постоянно раздражает и заставляет нервную систему перестраиваться ради не то, чтобы покайфовать от представления, но для чего-то большего и не всегда моментально понятого, наверно язык тела головой не воспринимаем… Вот смотрел я КЕЦАЛЬ в 2007 году, и лишь сейчас чего-то там стало доходить невидимое. Долго как… но своевременно.
Ребята, Вы не умираете. Вы не можете умирать. Я в это не верю :(