DEREVO e-life

NOW – 17.12.2014 – War

17. 12. 2014, 23:10 | by DEREVO

In the days of rehearsing the AEROKRAFT project based on the music of Nikolay Gusev
I think about war.
I wrote text for eight scenes of the show.
I want the audience to hear the voice and listen to the words
Reading again, I decided that even without the performance these texts are of interest.
Anton Adasinsky


Photo - Chester Mueller


I love you, War
How much courage and light are in you
How precisely you cross those t’s and dot those i’s
How doubtlessly it can be decided who is bad and who is good
How clearly you draw the borders and decide on the destinies of countries
How many feelings and cries you give birth to in our hearts
How carefully you help women wait for men
How many hopes for a bright future are born with each shot and each explosion
How many heroes you give to the people
I am ready to go with you to the end of the war

I hate you, War
You’re the main thing people remember
You’re the starting point
What was before and after means nothing
You are the main thing
I hate you because you’re sitting in my head with your names and dates
With newspapers, wounds and beggars
I will not live my life happily because you will come to my door and make me suffer
I have one life, and still in this life there will be at least one war
I hate you, War, and wait for you to die

God, how cunning you are, War
I’ll never understand what you want
How many people you need to take
How many words you will say in your defense, how natural and glib they will sound
For each death, thousands of letters and arguments for each drop of blood, pages of gabble and lies from the leaders
You’re experienced, War
You’ll outlive us all, you’ll take a different name and start over again.
You’re sly and pratlling, War
You’re lying on your side and drinking a liqueur while others tell lies and make the decisions
And far away in the fields, boys in baggy uniforms play tag with your friend Death

I thank you, War
You helped me solve my problems
You persuaded me to make a choice and change my way
You took away my miseries and dried my tears
I will not have to suffer pain or aging
I am grateful to you, War
You took away my life

I’m the same as you, War
I’m full of hate and doubt
I need to shake the muscle and arms
I need to justify my lies and violence
I need to be cunning and diplomatic
I too get tired and want rest and silence
and I too am uncapable of just sitting and doing nothing
I too feed myself with blood and rumours
and I too forget why I fight

I am your father, War
You are my child, War
I’m a man, I gave you life and I named you, War
I, human
I, the one who is at war
I, the one who kills or spares
And chooses commanders and soldiers
I choose the target and the task
You’re nobody without people, War
We are at war, we the people, and you are just letters in our mouths
I am your father, War and like all fathers I want you to be the best
Grow big, War
I will lean upon your shoulder when I’m old

I can not live without you, War
Forgive me, War
If I do not praise your beauty and stature
Oh, how cool and arrogant you are
How forbidding and desirable
Your romance is in our songs and books
The only thing that remains
Where Death is majestic and just
Where Good always wins over Evil
But at some time, of course,
Evil will return
And swords must not rust
And I want to be the best to get into your ranks, War
Forgive me for not praising you every day, War
For only you will bring me away from boredom and malaise
You will give me direction and purpose
And you will make me believe that killing is possible
Finally! This is what we need you for, War
For a man to fulfil his dream, to kill another

What words I must find to make you understand how grateful we are, War!
You gave us the work of War!
We sew on buttons and cast bullets
We draw maps and brew spirits for your soldiers
We paint everything khaki and print bulletins
Aeroplanes and tanks
Cameras and boots
Condoms and sights
Vests and briefs, for summer, autumn, nighttime and underwater
Much, much work
We are millions grateful for the possibility to bring home some money and bread
Thank you! Our children will not starve
You give us all something to do
Please do not end, War
Or we’ll be unemployed
What will be left to write and talk about when you’re not there, War?
What else shall we put in our prayers, hymns and plays?

Everything is meaningless without you, War

I forget about you, War
I can’t remember, if it was true
If it was near death.
I see different things
How clouds fly by, how life’s rolling past
How children grow, who will never see a war
We were friends, War, but you were the last
You were old, War, living in memories of great battles
You’ve got no skill to fight like a coward
With lies, gold and oil.

You’re decrepit, war
I walked with you, Old Lady War
I wanted to trip you up and watch you dying
I wanted to commit the last murder in the world
To kill you, War

I thank you, War
You helped me solve my problems
You persuaded me to make a choice and change my way
You took away my miseries and dried my tears
I will not have to suffer pain or aging
I am grateful to you, War
You took away my life

You’re untidy, War
You’re not cleaning up after yourself, War
There is always garbage and leftovers
Dirty memories in the mind
Tattered photos
Destroyed buildings and old bombs
You’re not cleaning up after yourself, War, still in our heads
Shouts and farewells
Letters and smoke
You want us to remember everything
You leave your marks everywhere
Sweep the streets and the cities after you
Wash the rivers
Burn the bones and flood the cemeteries
Give the cripples back their arms and legs
Put their eyes back in their sockets
Make us, force us to forget you
You’re a magician, War
So make anyone who speaks your name, War
Cover his face with the palm of his hand and walk thus till his death

Where’s the power
That will cleanse the Earth
Of all the filth,
The cowardice and lies
Theft and murder
Cities and countries.
Where are you, power?
Be swift, time is short
For we are clever and cruel
And the world is cramped…
Wipe out all the people
No time to swift the good from the bad
Let it again be quiet and clean,
As it was in the beginning…
Maybe next time….

* From the film «Süd. Grenze» (DEREVO, 2001)


Photo - Elena YarovayaMexico. Photo - Roman DubinnikovAEROKRAFT - Promo - Photo Carola FritzschePhoto - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT - Collage Elena Yarovaya


Text: Anton Adasinsky
English text editor: David Kemp
Photo: Chester Mueller, Roman Dubinnikov, Elena Yarovaya, Carola Fritzsche


DEREVO’s December at Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden

AEROKRAFT. Premiere!!!

Sat 20 & Sun 21 December 2014, 21:00
More infos & tickets:


Thu 25 December 2014, 20:00
Improvisations and solo performances by young DEREVO dancers & students
More infos & tickets:


Fri 26, Sat 27 & Sun 28 December 2014, 20:00
More infos & tickets:

NOW - 10.05.2014 - AEROKRAFT

10. 05. 2014, 00:50 | by DEREVO

Nikolay Gusev
is eternal
is strong
is clever
Nikolay Gusev is a musician.

I saw him puzzled just once, on April the 8th,
When I told him that the dancers rehearse night & day.
They know the duration of each track (4 min 26 sec, for example)
And the tempo (metronome at 120 or 86)
But no one listened to the songs. I forbade them.

“They know you, Kolya, they know the AVIA and they trust me. They will hear your music for the first time during the show.”
And so they did, and performed wonderfully!
My experiment was a success.


AEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Igor AnosovAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena Yarovaya
AEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Igor AnosovAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena Yarovaya
AEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena YarovayaAEROKRAFT. DHM, Dresden, 2014. Photo - Elena Yarovaya


Text: Anton Adasinsky
English text editor: David Kemp
Photos: Igor Anosov, Elena Yarovaya


NOW - 15.03.2013 - in the Middle of White

15. 03. 2013, 23:59 | by DEREVO

I was quite full of wonder after my brief visit to Moscow to the Lumiere Gallery.

I hadn’t expected that so many people were still able to walk slowly and speak gently, to look into your eyes and even to listen to you without meddling with their iphones right in front of your face. I’m speaking of the visitors to the exhibition and to my gig there.

The exhibition Time of the Bells is a VERY GOOD one. Thank you to Nastya and all other organisers behind the scenes.

Meanwhile the DEREVO studio in Dresden has been turned into a filming location. A motion picture in progress is:

The Middle of White (working title)

Idea: Pavel Semchenko (AKHE)
Director: Pavel Semchenko
Cast: Anton Adasinsky (DEREVO)
Cameraman: Andrey Gladkikh
Assistant: Natalia Krymskaya
Producer: Pavel Semchenko

Big thanks to Elena Yarovaya and Isolde Matkey for their support with the boring administrative tasks.

We will tell nothing yet about the music. That will be a surprise.

(english text editor: Daniel Williams)


Pavel Semchenko & Anton Adasinsky.The Middle of White in progress.The Middle of White in progress.The Middle of White in progress.
The Middle of White in progress.The Middle of White in progress.The Middle of White in progress.The Middle of White in progress.
The Middle of White in progress.



LA DIVINA COMMEDIA - back in Dresden

Also the heavy metal performance by DEREVO is nearing:

29 – 31 March 2013 in Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden

The golden classic by DEREVO to be presented by the original cast & crew.

On stage:
Oleg Zhukovsky
Elena Yarovaya
Tatyana Khabarova
Anton Adasinsky

Sound: Dmitry Abramov
Light: Falk Dittrich

Tickets available On-Line via SAXTicket »



Bonus track for today’s NOW:

Anton Adasinsky performs his song Cat on Accordion from the Album DOPPIO live at Lumiere Centre in Moscow, 9th of March 2013. On stage are Alexandra, Veronika, Anton & Nikolay

Download the album DOPPIO here »


NOW - 21.04.2011 - 3 in 1

21. 04. 2011, 22:51 | by DEREVO

NOW - Archive

I, Anton Adasinsky, am responsible for the news text.

Everyone is hurrying me.

Here, I wrote about my dream of a tunnel.

Daniel told me to stop writing a novel in the first person, people would need some facts, where have we been, where will we be, what have we done…

Here, I wrote about where we’ve been and what’s coming up

Lena Yarovaya told me that everyone knows it anyway and that a flatfish is hiding in the sand by using vibrations.

Here, I wrote about the flatfish, although it pretends to be a maggot there.

I’m tired now.

Just read all that you want. It’s just a troubled week of April.



We were in St.P.

HARLEKIN, MEPHISTO WALTZ, the workshop (there was quite a lot of people, about sixty or so). Then there were four days of dreaming up the DROP in the OCEAN.

Then I flew back to Dresden.

I’m not getting sic easily, you know. I mean any flu, quinsy and so on. But suddenly - bamm! I woke up and realise that I don’t want to go anywhere. I don’t want to go to the theatre. Rather I want to read something by James Fenimore Cooper. And I want a thermometer. It says to me: 38°.

Two days have passed like this. To me it’s just as unusual as reading my words in the press. Unusual but wonderful.

Is this Spring? right? really, is this Spring?



In that story about the dream in a dressing-room, I first thought it unnecessary to write about the end of running in a tunnel.

Now after a week in St.P., I have decided to end the story.

I’ve got a friend (yes, you can envy me). His name is Igor Timofeev. He lives on the outskirts of St Petersburg. He has a house, a sauna and twenty-eight guitars.

This place is my cavern. When I can’t cope anymore with hearing somebody else’s heart, I can escape there,into the sauna.

Everything describable just stops there. Words and actions change their meaning or lose it completely. We speak to each other there but subjects are not known to us and they’re not suggested by us.

He had a dream.

The manner, as he told it to me, refers to the special language of the steam room.

“raised on horizon… colour of the sky changed… like it was needed there… but they’re drawing here unnatural and a big piece… I unbuttonned the shirt to meet the punch… twenty seconds are still there… first light then I close my eyes then a sound, and in the sound I understand… stand and wait and then the air blows and it’s twisted… ribbed… I see the great playful movements of an accordion which you can touch with your hands… and the eyes flying towards you and me… do you understand!? I’m flying through the nuclear explosion and to my framework… to my skeleton everything is clean understand?? washed and cleaned and inflatable eyes maybe five meters large and I must turn them somehow…”

Then I could remember the rest of my own dream. I’ve never forgotten it to be honest.

I was running and following Pieretta to the stage. It’s a long tunnel. She’s lighter and faster, I wouldn’t be able to reach her. And suddenly I was not chasing her anymore but simply running, precisely and evenly. It was the run to the stage. I kissed my shoulder while I was running there.

On the opposite wall, there was a big letter “E” and then “A”. I realised that I must remember them, for I was running towards the beginning of these words. It’s not hard. When the letters were over I could put together the words “Heat Mode”. Now I was running directly towards the red glow. It was very easy to run.

We’ve added our dreams. I can’t quite remember what has happened after it. Nastya said something about a butterfly who gives a flower a slap in the face. We reproached her with poeticizing of men’s problems. However, the picture of that night has been completed: a butterfly and the hysterical kiss of a light bulb…



Ode to a one-day fly

The worm lying in a tight cocoon
Your life goes forth unhurried
You see no spring, you’re purposeless.
You’re sure you’re resting here for ever.

It’s so delightful, so silent here.
One year or two
But suddently there’s a coolness cracking in.
Scream, you worm! death is coming
Your shield is crackling and it’s scary. Scary!
The wind has blown away the pieces of the cocoon.

Are you dead? No, alive.
So what is that?
Where’s your house? Where’s the tightness and the dryness?
And the crushing there is again like thunder!

Behind your back two wonderful wings unfolded
And you are flying, you are singing.
Your day is in the sky, exposed to the wind
And to the sun of the world

You have been thinking this is death?
But this is life.
Exactly one day long.



MEPHISTO WALTZ. Photo - Elena DolmatovaMEPHISTO WALTZ. Photo - Roman EkimovPhoto - Elena YarovayaTOTENTANZ 2011. Photo - C. Friedlander
Photo - Elena YarovayaTOTENTANZ 2011. Photo - C. FriedlanderMEPHISTO WALTZ. Photo - Elena DolmatovaMEPHISTO WALTZ. Photo - Elena Dolmatova

Text: Anton Adasinsky
Photos: Elena Yarovaya, C. Friedlander, Lena Dolmatova, Roman Ekimov
Photo Design: Elena Yarovaya



In May Anton and the Positive Band hope to finish the promised CD “Cat on Accordion”. Meanwhile you can enjoy the new video by Andrey Gladkikh to the song “All Seasons” by Andrey Sizintsev, Nikolay Gusev and Anton Adasinsky.


DROP in the OCEAN. 21 - 23 April 2011, Hellerau, Dresden

18. 04. 2011, 23:32 | by DEREVO

just 2 days to go…

Festspielhaus Hellerau Dresden
21 – 23 April 2011, 20.00


Stage design, costumes, production: DEREVO
Director: Anton Adasinsky
Composer, musical director: Nikolai Gusev
Sound design: Daniel Williams
Light design: Igor Fomin

DEREVO with Elena Yarovaya, Anton Adasinsky, Alexey Merkushev and Oleg Zhukovsky and guests from St. Petersburg – Nikolay Gusev (keyboards), Igor Timofeev (perc., guit), as well as dancers Tatyana Belousova, Nadezhda Lanskaya, Anastasia Ponomareva, Aleksey Lanskoy.

Project manager: Isolde Matkey
Costumes: Anne Frumson
Props: Andrej Bobylew
Assistants: Elena Dolmatova, Ekaterina Lobanova

Technical director: Kai Kaden
Production supervisor: Andreas Lorenz
Light: Falk Dittrich
Stage manager: Steffen Köhler
Sound: Helge Petzold, Sandro Schwertner
Stage: Peter Tirpitz, Welko Dimitrow

The new production by DEREVO is dedicated to the modern russian folklore and at the same time it’s a nostalgic contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the first space flight of human, as well as to the 50th Anniversary of the city partnership between St. Petersburg and Dresden.

The hero of the journey to the collective past is Petrovich. He could never forget his dreams, in his grey backyard he still tinkers a rocket which will once take him to the outer space…

Host organization: HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts Dresden.

The premiere has been supported by the Culture Foundation of the Free State of Saxony

NOW - 3.11.2010 - October that was very special

03. 11. 2010, 11:06 | by DEREVO

It happened in some way that my arms were opened widely in October, so many things could be embraced at once.

Look on the right – there’s a book to publish,
Look on the left – there’s a CD to finish,
Go ahead – there’s a performance to create,
Think what’s behind – there’s memories to write down.

I had to put off the trousers to avoid tearing them; and the DEREVO train had to roll on three different tracks…



October 22nd: an improvisation in the Nikolayevsky Hall at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

Something weird is here:



Then there was a loud week (since we were laughing rather loudly) spent with the recording of the new Album by Anton and the Positive Band „Cat on Accordion“.

Something funny is here:

Nikolay Gusev & Anton Adasinsky. Photo - Nastya PonomarevaDmitry Virvich, Igor Timofeev. Photo - Nastya PonomarevaAt the recording studio. Photo - Anton AdasinskyPhoto - Nastya PonomarevaNikolay Gusev. Photo - Nastya Ponomareva
At the recording studio. Photo - Anton AdasinskyAnton in the studio. Photo - Nastya PonomarevaWorking on the Book 'Profession: Harlekin'.  Photo - Anton AdasinskyWorking on the Book 'Profession: Harlekin'.  Photo - Anton AdasinskyWorking on the Book 'Profession: Harlekin'.  Photo - Anton Adasinsky



Then the new book «Profession: Harlekin».

We won’t show you the book quite yet (it’s out on November the 4th) but from the cuttings and clippings Nastya Ponomareva could glue together a nice animation.

Here it is:



And that’s all in just 11 days!

This time I’ve spent about 20 days in St. Petersburg. This duration must be a record for my brain. Now I’m in Germany and I think about it. I think it’s not JUST some differences between the countries and people, it’s an abyss which is getting wider and deeper.

Soon we’ll not be able to understand or see each other. Hence we’ll not disturb each others’ own madness.

The live action „Cat on Accordion“ that happened in September in the courtyard of Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg requires some deeper realisation. I hope you’ll be able to see and hear what happened there soon.



Text: Anton Adasinsky
English text editor: Daniel Williams
Photo: Nastya Ponomareva, Elena Yarovaya, Anton Adasinsky
Photo design: Elena Yarovaya

Third Evidence at the Hermitage

05. 10. 2010, 20:51 | by DEREVO

Third Evidence
Improvisation by Anton Adasinsky (Body) & Nikolay Gusev (Music).

Festival “Georges Pompidou Centre at the Hermitage”, St. Petersburg
Nikolayevsky Hall
October 10, 2010, 12:15



…just wake up early and run along the beach to the rising sun. The rustling breath sound quite like the hissing surf and you’re feeling happy because of your wet ankles…

Then the sun shines in the drops of sweat on your belly. You smile and you swim, and when you look back you see the lump of clothes on the shore…

(From one girl’s letter)

When shall I marry? // This year, next year, sometime, never. // What will my husband be? // Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich-man, poor-man, beggar-man, thief.

a counting game

…Do not swear, please! All of you are under suspicion!…

Anton Adasinsky


Third Evidence. Photo - Elena Yarovaya


Vsyo Khorosho! Video

11. 01. 2009, 21:42 | by DEREVO


Camera and cut by Andrey Gladkikh
Attention! High quality headphones or audio system are recommended for better perception of the sound in the video.



After the short concert series “Vsyo khorosho!” (”Everything is good!”) Anton Adasinsky and the lads decided to carry on with the project. After all it goes so well!

In February or March 2009 there will be recorded the first 4 tracks of the new album:

“Korotkaya” (A Short One)
“Dengi” (Money)
“Zvezda” (The Star)
“Ego glaza” (His Eyes)



Please do not repost this video on YouTube, Facebook or any similar web-sites. Just give a links on this page. (Yes, we do have an offician DEREVO channel on YouTube »)


See also the photos here »

DEREVO in ROCK. Концерт “ВСЁ ХОРОШО!” (ролик)

10. 06. 2008, 01:40 | by DEREVO

Ждем в гости мастеров-виртуозов:

Рома Дубинников (музыка к спектаклям «Всадник», «Однажды…». «Острова» и много ещё всего)
Николай Гусев («АВИА»)
Алексей Рахов («АВИА»)
Игорь Тимофеев - гитара, перкуссия
Андрей Сизинцев (музыка к фильму «Юг. Граница», спектаклю «LA DIVINA COMMEDIA»)
СтереоЗольдат - акции DEREVO и первая пластинка «Асфальт» с Антоном Адасинским
Ольга Арефьева
и другие

Приходите в Мюзик-Холл, 11 и 12 июня!!!

Подробнее о концерте »