DEREVO e-life

Tour-plan updates

13. 10. 2010, 23:05 | by DEREVO

DEREVO’s tour plan has been updated recently with some new dates and options particularly for performances in Russian Far East. HARLEKIN will be played in Vladivostok and Khabarovsk and optionally in Ekaterinburg. The dates for HARLEKIN performances in St. Petersburg have been confirmed as well. Please don’t miss the appearances of DEREVO with the critically acclaimed HARLEKIN in Subotica (Serbia) and Budapest (Hungary). An appearance in Antwerpen (Belgium) has been confirmed for the February 2011.

You’ll always be able to follow the tour-plan updates here: (English) | (German) | (Russian)

Please note the links on top of the Tour Plan page to add the DEREVO’s Tour Plan to you Google Calendar or iCal or RSS Reader

About the HARLEKIN »

“Дерево” по-русски - АПДЕЙТ 3

06. 02. 2008, 15:40 | by DEREVO

2008 год


(см. февраль)


“Кецаль” и “Однажды…” в Москве (театр Эстрады), премьера клипа “Диагноз” и cольные акции А. Адасинского и участников DEREVO в клубных пространствах Питера… (площадки будут объявлены дополнительно. или не будут.)
“Однажды…” и “Кецаль” в СПб, Мюзик-Холле, в Самаре (Театр им. Горького),

Акция в Секретном Бомбоубежище в Москве Где Штык в Детстве Вывихнула Ногу - не состоится. Не хотим повторения инцидента.



7 марта

Показ фильма «Юг.Граница» и встреча с Антоном Адасинским. Ответы на рискованные вопросы языком и телом.

Большой зал Дома Кино (Караванная ул.,12)


9 марта

Антон танцует Дроссельмейера в “Щелкунчике” (постановка Михаила Шемякина) в Мариинском театре.


Шестидневная акция “Евангелие от Антона” - клуб “Антресоль” (Малый пр. В.O., 49).


20 и 21 марта состоится мастер-класс Антона Адасинского в театре «Люди Дождя» (Мончегорская ул.,10б).


25 марта

Сольная акция Елены Штыковой «Тула» - клуб «Антресоль» (Малый пр. В.O., 49).


“Золотая Маска” - ROBERT’S DREAM - опция


“Ля Дивина Комедия” - Ленинградский цирк и премьера фильма “Диагноз” - опция


Питер, “Элегия” - опция

ВСЯ актуальная информация - в Тур-Плане

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NOW - 24.10.2007

25. 10. 2007, 13:22 | by DEREVO


And we gladly finish the long promised “news” about the great days in Mannheim. Nothing to add actually. Maybe I wasn’t in time to say one loud THANK YOU to everyone.

THANK YOU, guys! Great job. Fantastic project.

Hurry up, see the photos »

And in the end of October a film about the project must be ready. Wheel of Power, Will Power, Weal Power, Weel Power… whatsoever our participants: dancers, technicians, artists, managers from Italy, Russia, Holland, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Poland and one man from the North have tried to call or write it.

In November two weddings should tinkle in the world. Mannheim.

Text by Anton Adasinsky
English text editor: Jennifer Williams
Photo design: Elena Yarovaya based on the photos by Nicole von Hasselt

NOW – 02.04.2007

02. 04. 2007, 21:39 | by DEREVO

NOWAfter the «Mad_in_Japan» project in St. Petersburg DEREVO came to Japan with a project «Mad_in_Russia». And there are lots of things happened on that days. More about it in the upcoming news. And for now just some photos:


More photos »

Text: Anton Adasinsky
Photo: Elena Iarovaia, Hideo Tanaka, DEREVO & others.
Photo design: Elena Iarovaia

DEREVO Tour-plan updates. Jan. 2007

29. 12. 2006, 23:54 | by DEREVO

Tourplan updates

The rest is here


29. 10. 2006, 00:48 | by DEREVO

2 & 5 November, Dresden
TanzHerbst Festival
Premiere of the new performance “X0″
Choreography: Elena Iarovaia
On stage are: Elena Iarovaia, Anton Adasinsky
Music: Daniel Williams with a composition “What 4?”



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NOW - 04.09.2006

04. 09. 2006, 23:31 | by DEREVO

NOWThe 29th of August will come and we shall take seats in our bus and immediately visit everything: Loch Ness and the Sharmanka Theatre in Glasgow, and the House of Sir Walter Scott, and the Museum of Feathers and.. and… or so DEREVO thought to itself at the beginning of August. Then there were the twenty four performances of KETZAL at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. On August 29 the disciplined but half-dead of tiredness DEREVO approached the bus. The keys weren’t there. We searched for them but not really intensively and went back to sleep…

We dreamed five dreams, fragments I’ll try to tell.

A doctor’s room. The right hand must be amputated. The question is – what should be left? They suggest some stump. I don’t like the idea. I don’t want to have anything at all up to the shoulder. So it would be much more theatrical. During the discussions I cannot stop myself gazing at the view behind the doctor’s back. There is a hole in the wall and there is a stage. I see KETZAL. Di is dancing in place of me. I weep.

She’s lying sideways in a puddle. The water is soft and oily. She doesn’t dare to raise her head, because her face will remain in the water.

She’s flying down towards a green field. It’s starting to rain. She
flies amidst the raindrops and with the same speed.

Di is driving some airplane. The gunner is pressing his back against the back of Di. They are like Siamese twins. They fly somewhere in the night. Suddenly – it becomes very bright all around – they are caught in a ray of light. Then – waiting for the shot. The back of the fellow becomes warmer.

It’s bright and noisy. Lots of everything and everything is very fast. There are five suns in the sky and the clouds are swiftly flying over in circles. Several faces are approaching – all have small evil moustaches. I need a flag – thinks Ga, of course a flag! It’s not good – going to the Pole without a flag…

Alisa fell asleep in a bath, frozen and remembers no dreams.

Max was looking for the keys.

KETZAL. Edinburgh. Photo - Anna BogodistKETZAL. Edinburgh. Photo - Anna BogodistKETZAL. Edinburgh. Photo - Anna BogodistEdinburgh. Photo - AlisaEdinburgh. Photo - DiKETZAL. Edinburgh. Photo - DEREVOKETZAL. Edinburgh. Photo - Anna BogodistEdinburgh. Photo - DEREVOEdinburgh. Photo - Anna BogodistKETZAL. Edinburgh. Photo - DEREVOKETZAL. Edinburgh. Photo - Anna BogodistKETZAL. Edinburgh. Photo - DEREVOEdinburgh. Photo - DEREVOKETZAL. Edinburgh. Photo - Anna BogodistEdinburgh. Photo - DEREVOEdinburgh. Photo - Alisa

Photo - Anna Bogodist, Di, Alisa and/or DEREVO

Workshop by Anton Adasinsky & action “Just like this” in St. Petersburg

03. 09. 2006, 22:17 | by DEREVO

VERTICAL 2006, St. Petersburg14 Sept., 11.00 - Workshop of Anton Adasinsky, Festival VERTICAL 2006, Music Hall, St. Petersburg (RU)

15 Sept. - DEREVO Action “Just like this”, with a workshop participants, Festival VERTICAL 2006, Music Hall, St. Petersburg (RU)

More information (in russian) - here

DEREVO @ Edinburg Festival Fringe

19. 07. 2006, 23:14 | by DEREVO

DEREVO - KETZAL  Fringe PosterWe perform KETZAL from 4 till 28 August. You’re welcome.

Tickets are here.

Wir treten mit dem Stück KETZAL vom 4. bis 28. August auf.

Karten sind hier zu kaufen.

Мы показываем “КЕЦАЛЬ” с 4 по 28 августа.

Билеты здесь.