NOW - 16.06.2012 - School on Wheels Diary 1
16. 06. 2012, 16:23 | by DEREVO

Meanwhile DEREVO School on Wheels has finished their performances at the ROBODOCK 2012 (you may remember the name from the huge project in Mannheim)…
On June 15th there’s a ten days long performances marathon on Terschelling island begins, at the OEROL festival.
A lot of things was started for DEREVO there some time ago. And a lot of things for the OEROL.
We’ll keep you up-to-date about the daily performances and improvisations.
You’ll see the dunes, the sea, the horses and the Moon and our guys among all these beautiful things…
- Nastya Ponomareva (Lunis)
- Pavel Alekhin (Gleb)
- Makhina Juraeva (Marat)
- Anya Raicheva (Raja Ancheva)
We wish you and us were there…