DEREVO e-life

NOW - 24.11.2010 - The moles’ tomb

24. 11. 2010, 23:05 | by DEREVO

We’re now working on MEPHISTO WALTZ.

The idea came to me during the filming of the «Faust» by A. Sokurov

The forced immobility and the total ban even for my daily excercises (to keep the character’s spirit intact) were exhausting.

Now this is a kind of dance version of the film coming up as «revenge».

Though it’s quite unclear where the scarecrow comes from. But nobody’s bewildered by that at DEREVO.

Harlekin’s life is jolly and wondrous!

We were in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, St. Petersburg. Now we’re travelling to Serbia, then Budapest, then to…. And yes, the book about Me-Harlekin is available now. You can see it here:

It’s like a libretto or a manual.

And last but not least: my notion entitled „Motorway – the moles’ tomb“ has been approved for consideration by the Greens. By boring six cm wide holes at two meter intervals on all roads passing a wood moles can reach the surface freely. Too many of them get stuck under the asphalt only to find death!



Anna Budanova in MEPHISTO WALTZ. Photo - Anton AdasinskyTV programme filming. Photo - Elena YarovayaTatyana Khabarova in MEPHISTO WALTZ. Photo - Anton AdasinskyKhabarovsk. Photo - Elena Yarovaya
Khabarovsk. Photo - Elena YarovayaVladivostok. Photo -Elena YarovayaTatyana Khabarova in MEPHISTO WALTZ. Photo - Anton AdasinskySt. Petersburg. Photo - Elena Yarovaya



Text: Anton Adasinsky
English text editor: Daniel Williams
Photos: Anton Adasinskiy, Elena Yarovaya
Photo design: Elena Yarovaya