DEREVO e-life

Der Ursprung des Tanzes: Kazuo Ohno verstorben

03. 06. 2010, 13:28 | by DEREVO
to live / жить

Kazuo Ohno has passed away on 1st June 2010

Foto: DEREVO, 2004


Von: keiko
Datum: 2. Juni 2010 16:43:03 MESZ
An: Elena
Betreff: the source of dance

liebe elena,

wie geht’s dir?
ich denke über die quelle des tanzes nach, wo sein tanz seinen ursprung hat…

wo sein Tanz herkommt.

kazuo ohno ist gestern verstorben. er war 103.
der alter hat aber keine bedeutung.
jetzt kann er tanzen so frei wie es sein kann.
am ursprung.

die beisetzung ist am sonntag.
lass uns gemeinsam beten.

with my love,


Kazuo Ohno ist am 1. Juni 2010 verstorben

Foto: DEREVO, 2004

siehe auch »


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  1. Pina Says:

    ILife makes strong images. The natural bounderies of beingtogether for people lives in the heart. The soul is always free…

    I lay in bed and hear the soundsof the rain blowing through the wind, I fell asleep. I see an old Japanese man skipping rope in his white pajama. He laughs happily, his name is Kazhuo Ono. He asks if I want to join him. While I do so suddenly Anai, Nim and Rame walked into the dream. All we did was dancing circles of white light. Nim became the queen of the night without having said a word. It was beautiful, we all were one.

    I dreamed this in 1995